I keep coming back to this.
Deserved the win.
Nothin' much to say.
You know what you're doing and it's the example of a really great composition that's nicely produced.
Love your voice!
Keep it up. :)
I keep coming back to this.
Deserved the win.
Nothin' much to say.
You know what you're doing and it's the example of a really great composition that's nicely produced.
Love your voice!
Keep it up. :)
Thank you so much. This was really nice to read. Hope your day is going well :) <3
Da Bass!
Agree with BO about the melody. Although on the second listen it's getting more catchy.
I would've added some more layers / counter-melody or some fx that repeat when the beat kicked at 0:40.
Transition into B section (0:54) is really nice and love the synth at 1:02. Whole section's really lovely and catchy!
It's introduced really nice and elements are rounded up amazingly.
My main issue is with 1:22 - that glitchy melody sounds quite loud / compressed, although I like the vocal chops.
2:15 was tasty!
There's a room for improvement in structuring the layers with other instruments / adding some counter melodies that can be less or more subtle (as I see it).
To sum up, beat's great, production's awesome, melodies are lovely and I think it's gonna be amazing OST!
Keep it up man! :)
Nice one Stardew, good luck to you too!
Love the kick choice.
At first I thought it was kinda weird, but as song progressed more and more I found it more and more satisfying.
Also, love the guitar panning, fills the space perfectly. :D
On the other hand I feel like if the melody was outside that one octave it would be much more dynamic and interesting. (not counting the pinch harmonics)
(even though I do see that you're not aiming for anything complicated and/or perfect - I feel like I would do something similar too)
Funny thing though - this week I was also making some music for ending credits / intro etc. for a podcast that my friend's hosting, lol.
Great job overall FM. :)
Hey endK, thanks for the review!
I found the kick sample in Evolve R2. I liked the way it stood out in the mix, so I went with it.
The rhythm guitar panning is from a preset in Guitar Rig called 'Plexi Rotor Room.' I was going through the presets one-by-one and I liked the way that one sounded.
I'll try raising the melody (solo) by an octave and see how it sounds to me. That's a good suggestion, thanks.
That is funny that you're working on a similar project right now. I've been working for this one off and on for about 3 months now, though. So far it's been a pretty difficult project for me because I've been asked to make music in a style which I've never done before, some blues guitar. But it's a fun learning process, and thankfully the song is not needed for about 6 more months or so, so I've got time.
Thanks for listening and for the great feedback, endK. :)
Must comment once moar.
Don't know how to describe this one, but it's freakin' awesome.
Orchestral parts are so lovely and emotional but that chorus (if I can call it that way, Spadezer part) part completely grabbed my attention. Like, woah.
Really nice duo.
Would love to hear more stuffz from you two. :>
Funky stuff. Love the sound of percussion.
I think it will work great as an intro song.
Simple, nice-sounding and straight to the point.
Thanks! I've got more work to do, though. After listening to this, my friend said he liked the vibe but he really wants some blues guitar thrown in, similar to Gary B.B. Coleman's "The Sky is Crying" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71Gt46aX9Z4
I'm not too great at playing guitar, so I just got Orange Tree Samples' Evolution Hollowbody Blues because it has a very realistic blues guitar sound. I'm gonna play with it some more this weekend and hopefully I'll have a new version soon.
If you ever have any thoughts or advice, please always feel free to share with me. Your music is great, and I would love to be at your level of music production. Thanks again for the comment! :-)
Neat little track.
Main bass melody is really what you were going for, and I think you managed to adapt it to theme very well. I also like the panning of some of the instruments. Really nice touch that feels more stereo-like.
My favorite part was when 2:25 kicks in. I could totally expect a twist like that in, let's say, World of Tanks soundtrack.
On the other hand, my main problems are are in the first part of the song.
Drums feel really robotic, static and muddy.
There is a change of a rhythm every now and then but it doesn't feel like it. Try adding some kind of subtle change that would 'humanize' the piece.
Play with velocity of sounds. Maybe add some more percussion that would appear at random.
Try keeping some of the hits off-beat to keep the rhythm and feel more energetic. To feel more 'tribal'.
So everything that I complained about reffers to - production.
I get that you have the second part (1:54-onwards) (which is my favorite btw), but however I'd work on more variation in that first part. I like how you were introducing element by element in that part while creating more and more tension. The ending was quite fine.
Song is really great and you delivered the theme perfectly. Creative stuff, and really nice structure / composition overall. Keep it up.
Damn. Really chilled with this track.
Love the vibes and synthwave-ish atmosphere. Sounds do well together too, and it's pretty unique.
I really dig the perc sound overall and little things like that 0:56 break. Top notch.
But, I feel like there were some problems with transitions.
I'd love the transition part to be louder overall and have neat atmosphere as the main section has.
Maybe adding some automation which alters the sound would help, along with adding more stuff into it. Feels empty at some points.
Also didn't like that reintroduction of the main synth at 1:43.
Maybe if there was some kind of total break there would be more impact.
Overall, your piece is really enjoyable and so freakin' chilly.
Although I already said that I feel something's missing I think you did a really good job.
Keep it up. :]
Thanks so much for the review! I'm really glad you like the atmosphere and percussion, and I agree with you on the rather lazy transitions. The reintroduction of the main synth at 1:43 was meant to maintain some structural repetition in the piece, but I acknowledge that it's also not the most pleasing progression. Thanks again for listening to my piece so in-depth. ^_^
Video games. Melodies. Groovez. Electronix.
Age 33, Male
Music Producer
Joined on 10/22/16